Providing a place to sleep isn’t enough, we firmly believe you must surround each young person with wrap-around supportive services, care, and unconditional love…
Covenant House Greater Washington’s mission is to empower, safeguard and serve youth experiencing homelessness, disconnection, and exploitation in the Greater Washington region. The wrap-around supportive services provided to opportunity youth include housing, workforce readiness, job placement, and drop in services.

Homeless youth come to Covenant House in crisis. Immediately and without question, we meet their basic human needs – a nourishing meal, a shower, clean clothes, medical attention, and a safe place away from the dangers of the street.
Homeless youth arriving at our door are often frightened and mistrustful. Young men and women can grow only when they feel safe and secure. Covenant House protects them from the perils of the street and offers that important sense of security.
Lying, cheating, and stealing are common survival tools on the street. Covenant House teaches by example that caring relationships are based on trust, respect, and honesty.

Homeless youth never know how they will get their next meal or where they will sleep. Covenant House provides the stability and structure necessary to build a positive future.
Young people often feel powerless to control their lives and fall into a self-defeating cycle of failure. Covenant House fosters confidence, encouraging young people to believe in themselves and make smart choices about their future.